Master Luthiers

Our team at JR Music Supply has cultivated relationships with master luthiers in Poland and Eastern Europe which allow us to bring to you the work of individual makers at reasonable prices.

If you have customers searching for instruments at the price points represented by our master makers you owe it to them, and to yourself, to allow them to audition our offerings.

Learn more about each master luthier and his work below.

Andrzej SwietlinskiNowy Targ, Poland

Andrzej Swietlinski

Nowy Targ, Poland

Roman GlogowskiZakopane, Poland

Roman Glogowski

Zakopane, Poland

Grzegorz BobakZakopane, Poland

Grzegorz Bobak

Zakopane, Poland

Pawel MigielZakopane, Poland

Pawel Migiel

Zakopane, Poland

Jan SzlachtowskiNowy Targ, Poland

Jan Szlachtowski

Nowy Targ, Poland

Maciej LacekNowy Targ, Poland

Maciej Lacek

Nowy Targ, Poland

Wojciech TopaZakopane, Poland

Wojciech Topa

Zakopane, Poland

Jarek KoscielnyCzestochowa, Poland

Jarek Koscielny

Czestochowa, Poland